• 456 McDiarmid Drive Brandon, MB
  • Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 800AM - 5PM / Thurs: 800AM - 630PM / Sat: 830AM - 12PM

Senior Care

Victoria Chiropractic Centre Services for Seniors

The question to ask yourself is: at 80-years-old would you rather be dancing on a cruise ship or sitting in a nursing home?

While chiropractic treatments for older patients (those that are 65 plus) are not drastically different from treating any other person, regular care can help to improve overall health and have a long-term affect on everyday life. Correcting joint restriction in the spine and working on necessary muscle groups can help to improve mobility and flexibility.

Important aspects in aiding chiropractic treatments for senior patients include: creating a simple, regular exercise routine, getting into the habit of stretching and maintaining a healthy diet.

At the Victoria Chiropractic Centre, we can help guide and educate you on making healthy lifestyle choices so you can live life to the fullest!

Why choose Victoria Chiropractic Centre...

At 92-years-old Bill is a regular chiropractic patient at the Victoria Chiropractic Centre and contributes his overall well-being to having regular chiropractic treatments since he was a young adult. As a teenager, he used to get very bad migraine headaches and begged his parents, who visited the chiropractor regularly, that he should go as well. They eventually agreed and he hasn’t stopped since.

“I don’t go because I have a problem, I go because I want to avoid a problem. If you go on a regular basis, it keeps things in line, it’s maintenance. It keeps you fit and you may not even know it.” – Bill S.

While he’s a long-term patient of Dr. Gillis, Bill is proud to have a son and a daughter that are practicing chiropractors in Texas and Australia. “Pala is very gentle and practices a technique that is similar to what my daughter trained in. It’s important to find someone who works for you.”